Working with Kazuri Beads

Kazuri Beads are beautiful one-of-a-kind clay beads that are hand made by women in Kenya, Africa who are paid fair wages and enjoy favorable working conditions.

Kazuri is the Swahili word for ‘small and beautiful’, and the beads are handmade and hand painted.  They are so much fun to work with and have so many possibilities.

Copper & Burgundy Kazuri Necklace  Black & Gold Kazuri Necklace  Blue & Green Kazuri Necklace  il_570xN_425859400_fn90il_570xN_426072591_ok28  IMG_2409  IMG_2440  IMG_2573

Adding New Inventory Every Day

Just in time for the holidays!  Visit our Etsy store and be sure to use the coupon code HOLIDAY25 at the checkout for 25% off all of you purchases through 12/31/13.  Here are just a few of the new things you’ll find:

Chalcedony Wire Wrapped Pendant Necklace  Amethyst Bracelet Blue & Green Kazuri Necklace 

il_570xN_425859400_fn90  Black & Gold Kazuri Necklace  Wire-wrapped Rainbow Necklace